Bargaining Bulletin No. 1
On Wednesday, March 23, 2022, our local leadership delivered letters to Times Union management notifying the company that it was time to bargain a new contract.
It’s called a “demand to bargain.” The local Executive Board decided at the March meeting that the letter would be filed by March 31.
The Guild’s and the Times Union’s leaderships have been discussing bargaining. The letter references this and asks the company for dates it is available to start contract talks.
“Consistent with our prior discussions, with this letter the Albany Newspaper Guild is initiating a demand to bargain a contract agreement,” the notice states.
It’s time to reach a new contract between the Guild and the company. For many local members, this will be the first time that negotiations for a new contract will occur during their employment at the Times Union. We’ve been working under imposed conditions since 2009.
The filing of the notice comes after local President Ken Crowe, Vice President Ty Stewart, Melissa Nelson, a former local president, and international representative, and Barbara Camens, the TNG-CWA general counsel, reviewed the steps to take.
Over the last two-plus years, the Guild and the Times Union have held regular discussions to improve communications and to find ways forward as the newspaper industry continues to face challenging economic pressures and moves to digital.
The letter addressed to Publisher George R. Hearst III and copied to Human Resources Executive Director Ruth Fantasia closes by saying, “We look forward to meeting with Times Union representatives for healthy dialogue, a respectful exchange of proposals, and a productive collective bargaining process.”
Severance Packages Approved
At a membership meeting held Monday night on Zoom, the Albany Newspaper Guild unanimously approved two enhanced severance packages.
One package covers the Advertising Art sub-department, while the other package is for other departments.
The NewsGuild-Communications Workers of America Contracts Committee gave its support for the enhanced severance. The local’s Executive Board approved the enhanced severance at its January 2022 meeting and set the membership meeting.
Membership Updates
Bonus Payment
The Local’s Executive Board has approved at its December meeting a one-time bonus payment by the Times Union to Guild-represented employees who aren’t paid commissions.
The company said the bonus most likely will be 1 percent of annual salary (that’s $500 if you earn $50,000). This is similar to what occurred in 2020.
Severance Vote
The membership at a special meeting Dec. 9, 2021 approved a special severance package for unit members who are not vaccinated. They will receive up to 8 weeks pay, the equivalent amount of health insurance in coverage or cash and can apply for unemployment.
Christmas and New Year’s Day
Just a reminder that under our contract Dec. 25 is the Christmas Holiday and Jan. 1 is the New Year’s Day Holiday.
The company sent out the wrong information but at the Guild’s request has corrected it with a follow up email. If you opt not to take the holiday on the Friday before or the Monday after and Saturday is your normal day off you can take a make-up day.
Officers Elected
Ty Stewart was elected vice president of the Albany Newspaper Guild and David Johnson was elected as an At-Large Member of the local Executive Board at the local’s annual membership meeting.
Ty and Dave will serve the remaining 16 months in the 3-year terms of office for each of the two positions.
Ty previously was an At-Large Executive Board member. He takes on the responsibilities of what had been the vacant vice president position on the Executive Board.
Dave was elected to fill the vacancy created when Ty became vice president.
Get Vaccinated
The membership voted unanimously to support all unit members getting vaccinated against COVID-19.
A new executive order announced Thursday by President Joe Biden will require vaccination or weekly testing at employers with 100 or more employees. The Times Union has more than 200 workers.
The vast majority of the unit membership is vaccinated. In meetings with Times Union, management reported that all but 10 unit members are vaccinated. That means more than 90 percent of the local is vaccinated.
The Guild has held discussions with the Company since the start of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020. This has resulted in the delay of the return to working in the main building. The Guild continues to monitor the infection rates in the Capital Region.
Update on Return to Building
Remote Work to Continue
The return to working in the building has been delayed. No return date has been set. That will depend on the developing COVID-19 situation
Times Union management and the Guild leadership are monitoring the COVID-19 situation.
The Guild requested a delay in the return Sunday night due to the rising COVID-19 infection rates in the Capital Region and nationally. After some discussions, management decided to put off the pending September and October return dates.
The Company will give two weeks notice to employees before returning to the main plant. The Company is allowing hybrid work schedules.
Should any issues or questions arise, please contact the Guild office at, an Executive Board member or steward.
Vaccination Stats
Nearly every member of our unit is vaccinated. Only 10 members are not vaccinated. The Guild urges you to get vaccinated to protect yourself, your family, colleagues and friends.