
Guild simplifies dues rebate plan

The Guild’s Executive Board agreed Thursday to simplify the process for rebates.

Rather than require people who are slightly in arrears to pay their debt in order to get a rebate, the Guild will provide a partial rebate.

For example, if an employee owed $200 in order to get a $500 rebate, the union will simply write a check to the worker for the $300 difference.

The Guild intends to send out checks to members next week. If people are completely current, they will receive a rebate of 50 percent of what they were billed between April 2009 and July 2011.

People who owe more than 50 percent of their total dues bill for that time period will get an invoice instead. That document will show their balance due after the union forgives 50 percent of the total dues billed in that timeframe.

The invoice will also show how much those folks can pay each month over a six-month period to get back in good standing. People who go on a repayment plan and stick with it will be considered in good standing. That will enable them to vote, run for office and attend membership meetings.

All Guild-covered employees will get a statement outlining how their total was reached. If you have any questions upon receiving your statement, please call the Guild office at 482-9218 or contact us by email at

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