Buyout Vote
Special Membership Meeting — Monday, June 21 at 6 p.m. on Zoom
The Albany Newspaper Guild and the Times Union reached a tentative agreement for buyouts to be offered to unit members.
The Albany Newspaper Guild Executive Board has called a Special Membership Meeting for 6 p.m. Monday, June 21, 2021 on Zoom to vote on a proposed Buyout Agreement.
The Executive Board voted unanimously Wednesday night to recommend approval of the agreement.
The company is seeking to cut staffing by 8 to 10 people across the newspaper. The company said staff reductions would be from the Guild membership and employees not represented by the Guild.
The tentative agreement reached includes:
A minimum of 12 weeks pay up to a maximum of 62 weeks to be calculated in six month increments. Pay to be determined by highest week’s pay exclusive of overtime and those receiving commissions will have commissions calculate on a 52-week average since June 1, 2020.
The last day on the job will be no later than Saturday July 31, 2021 unless otherwise approved by the publisher.
Employees will receive health insurance equal to severance with the company paying the employee’s share of the premium. Employees may opt out of health insurance and receive 50 percent of the premium but must provide prove of health insurance.
There is a bonus payment of $2,500 for employees with 0 to 10 years of service; $5,000 for 11 to 20 years; and $7,500 for those with 21 years or more.
Employees remain eligible for pension benefits they are entitled to or vested in.
Employees will receive all accrued vacation, personal days and makeup days except for the five 2020 Covid days.
The company will not challenge unemployment as long as employee answers employment questionnaire truthfully and accurately.
The company may turn down any application. The Guild may request a meeting with management and the employee to discuss why the application was rejected.
The departing employee must sign a confidential separation agreement and general release.
Departing employees will receive a one-year digital subscription to the Times Union.
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Buyout Update
The Guild met with the company Friday afternoon to discuss a potential buyout. There is a question of if it will be offered in all departments or limited to Advertising and Marketing. The company had said initially it was to be companywide and the Guild is insisting on this.
The proposal follows previous buyouts:
- Minimum of 12 weeks pay with max of 62 weeks of pay. To be paid based on any differentials employee normally receives and a 52-week average of commissions beginning June 1, 2020. The Guild proposed using the highest week’s pay per contract for severance. Both sides will review and discuss.
- Last day of work will be July 17 with a $2,500 bonus. Can be extended with publisher’s approval. We proposed a stepped bonus based on years of service — for example up to 10 years $2,500; 11 to 20 years, $5,000 and over 20 years $10,000.
- Employees will receive health insurance and the company will pay the employee’s share of the premium. This is something we were able to get into buyout agreements for the first time last year.
- Continued eligible for vested pension rights and employee receives all accrued benefits for vacation, etc. But not the 5 days of COVID-19 leave.
- Usual language on unemployment.
- Employees must sign a general release.
The Guild is reviewing the company proposal.
The next negotiating meeting is Wednesday, June 16.
Any agreement is subject to Executive Board vote and membership ratification.
Buyout Talks
The company has asked to meet Friday with the Guild to discuss buyouts.
The Executive Board was informed earlier this week about the contact from the company and advised again at the June meeting Thursday night that the company wants to commence buyout discussions.
Ken Crowe and Jeff Boyer will meet with Publisher George Hearst and Human Resources Executive Director Ruth Fantasia at the Times Union building Friday afternoon.
Updates will follow.
Return to Office
Stewards will be contacting you
A Guild team recently met with the company to discuss the planned phased return to the Times Union building on Albany Shaker Road. This would be completed by the beginning of September.
The plans are very similar to what was to occur last year before the resurgence of COVID-19 cases led to most of us continuing to work remotely. There will be three phases to returning to the plant. Most of us in the Guild unit would be back at the beginning of September.
President Ken Crowe, Secretary Massarah Mikati and Chief Steward Rob Gavin discussed the matter with Publisher George Hearst and Human Resources Director Ruth Fantasia.
There was a candid discussion about many unit members wanting to work a hybrid schedule which would see them return to the office for a few days each week. We’ve all shown that we’re productive working at home or from other locations.
Massarah suggested the Times Union investigate securing co-working spaces around the Capital Region for reporters, advertising salespeople and other employees to use.
George Hearst explained how the company wants to maintain the interactions among employees, sharing of ideas and the Hearst ethos. He acknowledged the strong feeling among all employees for hybrid schedules.
The company presented proposed remote work rules. The Guild presented its proposal seven months ago. The company’s proposal is under review and a response will be made.
What you can do:
During the next two weeks your shop steward will be contacting you with several questions. One of the questions will be about return to work and what you want to see. Please respond when contacted. This will help the Guild help you.
We have heard from some members about a few managers saying they want everyone back inside. A letter has been sent to the company raising concerns about this.
Also, listen to the all-hands meeting the company is holding on June 3. That’s when full details of the company’s plans will be reviewed.
Guild Approves Severance Plan, Ken Crowe Elected Local President
The Albany Newspaper Guild membership unanimously ratified an enhanced severance plan at a special meeting held April 8, 2021 for circulation customer service workers whose jobs at the Times Union are being outsourced.
There will be a minimum payment of 12 weeks of severance pay for unit members who have less than six years of service. Two long-term employees will receive an additional payment of six weeks of severance added to their contractual severance package.
The weekly pay amount will be based on their their pay rate plus take into account, bonuses, overtime and other additional payments made over the previous 52 weeks.
The unit members will also receive a $2,500 bonus if they continue to work through the end of May. In addition, the Guild negotiated a payment of a portion of the annual health insurance premiums.
The workers will receive all accumulated vacation time, etc. All members who have vested in the pension plan will be eligible for their pensions per the terms of the pension plan.
The agreement is scheduled to be signed Friday afternoon (April 9, 2021) by the Guild and the Company.
Election Results
The Albany Guild membership unanimously elected Ken Crowe as local president to fill the remaining 20 months of former President Amanda Fries’ three-year term.
This is the sixth time Ken has been elected local president. It marks the second time that he has been elected to serve a remainder of term for a previous president.
Ken had been serving as acting Guild president since March 12, 2021 in his role as local vice president.
Ken promised to continue to pursue the goals the Executive Board has set to achieve a new contract, improve relations with management, increase training, expand communication with unit members and to support the stewards in their roles.
“During Mandy’s tenure, the Executive Board has worked with the stewards and members to strengthen our local in pursuit of a new contract. We have the support of TNG-CWA President Jon Schleuss for our plans,” Ken said.
Ken is a recipient of the Guild Service Award and led the local when TNG presented it with the Guild’s Human Rights Award.
Ken was a member of the TNG committee that recommended the successful merger with CWA. He is a reporter for the Times Union.