
Guild President bids farewell

My fellow colleagues,

It’s with mixed emotions I write to inform you I’ll be leaving the Times Union to take a reporting position closer to home.

I know my departure comes at a critical time for the Albany Guild, and my decision was not made lightly, but I hope you will carry on the good work we’ve been doing in my absence. We have built momentum even during a pandemic, and the myriad efforts we have going will continue after my departure.

My fellow Executive Board members as well as the stewards are fully committed to seeing through several of the efforts that remain ongoing, including a remote work policy; finishing the pay study; and continuing efforts to improve diversity and inclusion at the Times Union.

I hope that more of you will see the value in the Guild’s work and join your colleagues in supporting these efforts. As I’ve often said, the union is ALL OF US, and to truly bring about change (and, yes, a new contract), the Guild will need everyone’s help. Our voices are stronger together.

My last day at the Times Union will be Friday, March 12. We will have a regular Executive Board meeting on Thursday, March 11,which I’ll attend, and we will go over the transition process. Ken Crowe, who has served most recently as vice-president, has agreed to step into the role in the interim.

Always in solidarity,


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