Would you like to represent your colleagues at this year’s Guild and CWA convention?
The conventions are held back to back, from April 18-23 in Pittsburgh, Pa. this year. The Guild convention — formally known as the sector conference — starts with registration Thursday, April 18. Guild members from throughout the United States and Canada meet April 19 and 20. Registration for the CWA Convention follows on April 21, with the convention itself held on April 22 and 23. You would fly back to Albany on April 24.
As a delegate, you get to listen to and participate in discussions about the union, seek advice from our International and CWA leaders, and help make decisions on the unions’ future.
Attendance is mandatory for all delegates. Your presence is recorded and absences are noted. Sessions tend to last from 8 a.m. until after 5 p.m. and sometimes 6. You are given a break for lunch.
Delegates are placed on union leave, with their pay provided by the Guild. The union also covers all expenses, including the flight, hotel and meals. After the convention, you’d be expected to provide all documents distributed to the delegates and to make a report to the Executive Board on what occurred there that can be shared with the membership.
If you’re interested in being a delegate, please notify the Guild by February 1, 2013. If there are more nominees than delegate slots, an election will be scheduled.