
Benefits analysis: Vacation scheduling

Decades of hard work have earned Guild members benefits that matter. Vacation scheduling protections are just one of them.

When obtained: The current vacation scheduling language by and large first appeared in the 1970-73 contract. In between the 2000 and 2004 contracts, the parties agreed to move the dates earlier after some members had trouble booking vacations when they didn’t know what weeks they would have off until May.

How it works: By February 15, the Company must notify all employees of the amount of vacation they are entitled to. Ten days later, employees must tell the Company in writing of their preferred weeks off. If an employee fails to do so, the Company can assign the time. Selection is based on seniority. After everyone has selected their first two weeks, the schedule is open again on a seniority basis. By March 5, the Company must post what weeks you will get. Please let us know if a supervisor fails to do so. The Company and employee can mutually agree to change assigned vacation time. In an emergency, the Company can change an employee’s vacation on two weeks’ notice.

Where to find: Section 16.B, inside cover of contract. The information on Page 36-37 has the incorrect (original) dates but is otherwise accurate.
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