
Guild to meet with those on target list

The Newspaper Guild has scheduled meetings for people to hear about the Company’s proposed criteria for laying off outside seniority.

The Guild will meet at 12:30 p.m. Friday in the cafeteria with the marketing media specialists. It will meet at the same time Monday in the cafeteria with the advertising artists. (If it’s nice, we can sit outside.)

Since there is a far larger group in editorial, we will hold two meetings Tuesday at the Best Western on Wolf Road. One session will start at noon and the second at 5. (Space at the town library is hard to come by, sadly, now that schools are out and summer programming has begun. We also looked into the meeting room at the Crossings Park, but that was unavailable.)

We want to hear your thoughts on the Company’s proposed criteria for layoffs, which you can find in our earlier post.

Please join us at one of these very important sessions. The information you provide will be useful as we meet with the Company on Wednesday, July 1.

Come join your colleagues and help us figure out what this means: “Does the Editorial Assistant have the appropriate sense of urgency and understand the importance of deadline meet standards?” (Seriously, that’s one of the questions in the newsroom’s performance evaluations.)

One Comment

  • Java Man

    Why are some of the meetings being conducted in the den of liars, where bosses can come in and send back reports of what happens?
    No knock on the Guild, which has been wonderful throughout this and has my eternal gratitude, but I don’t want my future discussed within half a mile of George Hearst, Mark Aldam and their pack of greedhogs.

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