The Albany Newspaper Guild will join our fellow unions at a free picnic this August 27 sponsored by the Capital District Area Labor Federation.
Here are the details:
Capital Area Labor Federation presents
A Kick-Off to Labor Day
Date: Sunday, August 27th
Time: 1 – 4 PM
Place: American Legion
275 Grooms Rd, HalfmoonCD ALF invites AFL-CIO members to come join your
fellow union sisters and brothers and their families for a
good old fashion Picnic.Great Food, Games and Entertainment!!!
For more info or reserve your spot call Mark @ 518-779-5059 or
Email @ memanatian@cdalf.orgWe hope to see you there!
Membership Meeting
A membership meeting of the Albany Newspaper Guild, Local 31034, TNG-CWA will be held at 6 p.m. Thursday, April 13, 2023. The meeting will be held via Zoom.
At the meeting, members will be asked to elect a delegate to The NewsGuild Sector Conference and the Communications Workers of America Convention to be held in July in St. Louis. CWA will be electing a new international president and secretary-treasurer.
You must be a member in good standing (paying dues) to participate in themeeting and to vote on any measures that come before the local.
The monthly Executive Board meeting will follow on the same Zoom call.
Please email us for Zoom login info.
- Call to Order
- Nomination of Delegate to the TNG-CWA Sector Conference and CWA Convention.
- Update on Contract Negotiations
- Any other business
- Adjourn
Guild Gathering
Join us for a Guild Gathering!
Free food and open bar.
6–9 pm on Thursday, April 6
at Druther’s Brewing Company
(1053 Broadway, Albany)
Meet your steward and Guild board members to chat about your concerns and the progress we are making on your contract.
Hope to see you there!
Bonus Approved
The Executive Board approved a $1,000 bonus payment Wednesday that will be provided to Albany Newspaper Guild unit members who are not on a commission or bonus program.
Here are the details presented to the local on Wednesday by the company:
“As in the last few years the Company has decided to provide employees with a bonus based on corporate performance. Here are the terms to receive the bonus:
- Employee must have been hired prior to Oct. 1, 2023
- Employee must have worked at least 1,000 hours in 2022
- If the employee is on a commission or bonus plan, they are excluded from receiving the bonus
- Bonus is 1% of gross income with a minimum of $1,000.
Almost all of our employees not on commissions or bonus plans will receive $1,000.”
Any questions may be directed to the local at office@albanyguild.org.
Bruce Nelson
It is with a great deal of sadness that the Albany Newspaper Guild reports the passing of Bruce Nelson, a retired Guild international representative, who came to Albany to assist our local and in many ways never left. Bruce died Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2023 after an illness.
Bruce was a friend, mentor and eventually an Albany Guild member who provided support and leadership in assisting our local when he first arrived in the early 1990s.
Bruce found friends among our ranks, respect from Times Union leaders and perhaps most importantly established family ties. Bruce met, fell in love with and married former Albany Guild President Melissa Nelson.
While both Melissa and Bruce have retired from The News Guild and lived in Laurel, Maryland, that did not end their support for us in our current contract negotiations with the Times Union. Melissa has been providing us advice during our contract negotiations. Melissa relayed Bruce’s observations about our situation which helped us immensely.
Bruce was extremely intelligent, possessed insight, was a keen judge of human nature, had a sly sense of humor, friendly and had a knowledge of labor relations that benefitted not only all of us in Albany, but across the Guild.
Bruce arrived in Albany when our local leadership asked then international Guild President Chuck Dale to send us his best international field rep. Bruce arrived and that began a relationship of more than 30 years between him and our local.
Melissa has been providing us advice and support during our contract negotiations. Melissa relayed Bruce’s observations about our situation which helped us immensely.
An obituary for Bruce will be running in the Times Union, the Washington Post and the two Minnesota newspapers where he began his journalism career as a reporter and went to work for the Guild.
Services will be held next week in Laurel, Maryland.