Guild Update: Remote Work, COVID-19, Buyouts, Ethics, Stewards
It’s been a busy autumn as nearly all of us continue to work remotely. The Guild anticipates that remote work will continue to be the rule as the coronavirus pandemic continues to roll up higher numbers of people infected.
Remote Work
As was previously noted, the Guild’s Executive Board proposed a Remote Work Policy to the Times Union, aiming to negotiate a policy that would set guidelines for working outside the office and related equipment issues. This was an outgrowth of our push this past summer on cell phone and equipment reimbursement.
When President Mandy Fries first presented the concept to Times Union Publisher George Hearst and Human Resources Director Ruth Fantasia, they said we would hear from Hearst Corporate attorneys from corporate headquarters. We finally heard from attorney Vincent Floyd after submitting a proposal.
“Additionally, we have reviewed the Guild’s proposed Remote Work Agreement. The proposal is not acceptable to us. We do not have a counter-proposal at this time,” Floyd wrote Mandy.
Obviously, we are all disappointed by this initial response. It’s not over.
We urge you to continue to be vigilant and not take chances. Members have informed us of people testing positive for COVID-19 that may have resulted in a very limited exposure to a few people who work in the circulation and editorial departments. None of our unit members have tested positive and anyone in contact have gone into quarantine.
If you have tested positive for COVID-19 or been exposed please contact a Guild board member, the Guild office or your shop steward in addition to company protocols. We can help you work with management to ensure proper protocols are followed and mandatory quarantines are covered by the employer.
The corporate policy of no layoffs during the COVID-19 pandemic remains in place. We’ve had two rounds of voluntary buyouts. These occurrences did not trigger the layoff language in our contract.
In the most recent round, eight people applied for the buyout. The Times Union accepted four out of the eight who applied. We’re losing two colleagues in editorial and one each in advertising and circulation. The company rejected three colleagues in circulation and one in editorial.
Editorial Ethics Policy
The Times Union implemented an editorial ethics policy without consulting the Guild. We issued a request to negotiate pointing out in part that the policy violated at least one long-standing section of our contract and that other aspects raised legal issues and was subject to bargaining. The company’s attorney rejected our request to bargain over the policy but said the company is “willing to discuss any concerns or questions that the Guild may have relating to the policy.” This matter is still pending.
The Albany Newspaper Guild’s shop stewards have been reaching out to unit members to find out what’s on your minds and concerns you may have. If someone from the Guild has reached out to you by email, phone or some other method, give them a shout back! They are here to support you and improve the overall workplace, and they will be regularly reaching out.
Guild Members Approve Buyout
The members of the Albany Newspaper Guild unanimously approved a voluntary buyout agreement with the Times Union at an emergency membership meeting on Thursday Oct. 22.
The agreement will allow members of our unit to apply to leave the company with a lump sum payment based upon years of service with and equivalent amount of health insurance.
The deadline to apply for the buyout is Monday, Nov. 2, 2020. If you have questions regarding the buyout please contact a Guild officer or steward. You may also contact the human resources office which is accepting the applications.
Guild reaches voluntary buyout deal
The Albany Newspaper Guild and the Times Union agreed Monday to a voluntary buyout that will be open to all members of the bargaining unit.
The local Executive Board unanimously approved the tentative agreement and has recommended approval at a special membership meeting on Zoom called for 6 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 22. Look for a separate email with the Zoom meeting information to be sent out Tuesday.
The buyout offer also is being reviewed by the international NewsGuild board.
The terms call for a minimum of 13 weeks pay and a maximum of 62 weeks pay based upon years of service. It also includes health insurance coverage for the same period as the buyout with the company paying the full insurance premium. If a person chooses not to take the health insurance, they will receive 50 percent of the company’s share of the premium.
All accrued time will be paid and pension benefits remain intact.
The company said there are no goals for savings with this special voluntary buyout package, and there will be no layoffs. It will be offered across the Newspaper Division beginning Tuesday Oct. 20.
The deadline for signing up is Monday, Nov. 2.
The Guild negotiating team was led by President Mandy Fries. Joining Mandy were Vice President Ken Crowe, Treasurer Jason McKenna and Secretary Massarah Mikati. The company was represented by Publisher George Hearst and Human Resources Manager Ruth Fantasia.
Health Insurance stays on MVP for 2021. Voluntary buyout talks on Monday.
The Guild met with company representatives Thursday to discuss health insurance. Besides learning about the rates for 2021, we heard that the Hearst Co. has approved across the board buyouts in the newspaper division. Vice President Ken Crowe and Treasurer Jayson McKenna represented the Guild.
Health Insurance stays on MVP for 2021
We will have the same health insurance coverage in 2021 as this year, the MVP High Deductible Plan.
Insurance premiums for the composite rate will go up 80 cents per week raising the weekly premium payment to $69.52 from the current weekly rate of $68.72. This includes the Delta Dental Insurance.
This health plan has a $2,000 deductible with the employee responsible for the first $850 and the company paying the remaining $1,150 before the insurance payment kicks in.
Some people have the $3,000 deductible plan which has three coverages — for single, single plus one and family. Under this plan, the employee pays the entire $3,000 deductible. The weekly premiums for 2021 are $31.03 for single; $57.27 for single plus one; and $83.50 for family.
Voluntary Buyout talks on Monday
Human Resources Manager Ruth Fantasia informed Jayson and Ken that Hearst CEO Steve Swartz had given approval this week for the Newspaper Division to offer a voluntary buyout to division employees.
Ruth said this is a voluntary buyout and that there would be no layoffs. The company is not seeking a minimum number of buyouts or a certain amount of cost savings. Ruth described it as an opportunity for people who want to go in new directions in their careers.
President Mandy Fries will lead the Guild team that will negotiate the buyout terms at a meeting scheduled for 11 a.m. Monday at the Times Union building.
Guild membership elects board secretary, approves special buyout
Guild membership unanimously elected Massarah Mikati as Executive Board secretary during the Albany Newspaper Guild’s annual membership meeting Thursday.
Massarah, who covers new Americans and the suburbs of Colonie at the Times Union, will fill the vacant board seat of secretary left earlier this year when a Guild member was promoted to an exempt, editor position.
Massarah has served as a Guild steward in recent months and led the Guild’s dialogue on diversity and inclusion. She is a member of the Guild’s Diversity Committee as well as the Company designated committee.
Guild members also approved a special buyout package that has been offered to specific employees at the Times Union. The agreement reached with the Company regarding this buyout is NOT available to all employees and does NOT represent a company request for a reduction in the workforce.
Some members have reached out to Guild leadership in recent days about applying for a buyout. While management has indicated to Guild leadership that a request for buyouts may be on the horizon, there is NO CURRENT BUYOUT PACKAGE AVAILABLE FOR ALL EMPLOYEES. Again, there is NO REQUEST FOR BLANKET BUYOUTS, at this time.
We understand you may be eager to know what the future holds at the Times Union. We are, too. Unfortunately, that picture has not been provided to us at this time. As always, we will keep you apprised of any new information as it is made available.