
Guild Membership Meeting

For nomination and possible election to the office of Third Vice President

time: 12:30 pm
date: Wednesday, March 4, 2015
location: Colonie Town Library

The Guild will hold a membership meeting to fill a vacant position on the Executive Board. Nominations will be made at the meeting or can be done via petition. We will also discuss our mobilizing efforts on the lack of raises and any other topic members wish to discuss.


Election Information:

The vacant position is Third Vice President. The term will continue through December 31, 2016.

Members must be in good standing to run for office and to attend the nomination meeting. If you want to check your standing, email the Guild office at

If there is only one nomination for any office, and the person accepts nomination, the person will be elected at the meeting. If there is more than one candidate for any office, a Local Elections Committee will be appointed and a mail-in ballot election will be held.

Nominations for any office may be from the floor, by petition. Petitions may be for an individual candidate in which the name of the candidate, his/her Local unit (if applicable), and department worked listed. Such petitions must also contain the names of at least 25 members. Individuals signing a petition must be members in good standing. These petitions must be filed with the local Secretary at the membership meeting. The secretary shall notify all candidates of their nomination and shall receive from them a written notice of their willingness to serve.

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