Buffalo Guild offers support to Lindsay Connors

In an outstanding act of generosity and a sign that the labor movement sticks together, the Buffalo Newspaper Guild has pledged to send $300 a month through the rest of the year to assist Lindsay Connors, a single mother of four who was unfairly targeted and fired by the Times Union.
Here’s what the leadership there said in their bulletin:
“After hearing Lindsay’s story of courage in Orlando and later applauding her winning of the Guild’s Service Award, we were shocked to learn of her callous firing by the Company. We wanted to help Lindsay and her family and a monthly monetary donation will provide some immediate relief,” local representative Tammy Turnbull, who encouraged the Buffalo local to act.
Connors in April helped lead a session on workplace bullying at the Newspaper Guild’s multi-council meeting in Orlando, Fla., where she also received the Guild’s highest honor, the Service Award, presented for outstanding local leadership.
“We thought it was important to help Lindsay and to show solidarity with her and the issues she confronted,” said Guild President Henry L. Davis.
The Albany Guild is truly grateful for this show of support as our local prepares a legal case in support of Lindsay.